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4 Reasons why Custom Packaging is Essential for Your eCommerce Brand

Written by freightcom | Jul 12, 2019 3:00:00 PM

We all love to open packages, whether it’s Christmas Day, our birthday or after we have purchased a product online. That’s why custom packaging is an essential, yet often overlooked, aspect of your eCommerce brand.

The packaging is a highly important aspect of the product you sell, but unfortunately, many companies don’t realize it. You’ve worked so hard to create a product and experience that your customers will love - why fall at the final hurdle?

Custom packaging will not only be the cherry on the cake for your customer’s overall experience with your brand, but it can also have a host of other benefits for your company. Freightcom has listed four of the top benefits here:

1 - Boosts brand recognition

Brand awareness and recognition should be a key part of your marketing strategy, whether you are a small business or a huge conglomerate. There’s a reason that well-known companies - such as Coca Cola or Apple - spend so much money each year on brand recognition, it’s to ensure they are top of mind with consumers.

By designing a unique box that stands out from your industry competitors, you’ll ensure that everyone from the delivery driver, customer and all their friends know your brand name. This will lead to them searching your brand online, and possibly even purchasing your products.

2 - Adds to the customer experience

Have you ever looked for a product review on YouTube before making a purchase, only to stumble upon countless unboxing videos? That’s because people love product boxes, it adds to the overall customer experience they have with your company - there are even reviews on the internet that only look at the boxes a product comes in.

Let’s be honest, nobody wants to receive their new exciting possession in a boring paper bag.

By sending your product in a high-quality custom box, you’ll be adding to the overall customer experience a shopper has with your brand. The result? The ability to create a loyal customer base, turn customers into brand advocates and drive up profits.

3 - Generate social media buzz

According to a BigCommerce study, 23 per cent of online shoppers are influenced by social media recommendations, and luckily for your company, social media users love sharing what products they buy on in their social feeds.

By providing customers with a custom box for your product, you’ll not only increase the likelihood a customer wants to share their product with their social media audience, but you will also give the impression to potential buyers that your brand and products are high quality. This ensures a fantastic first impression!

You can also use inserts to ask your customers to either leave a review or share images of the products they have purchased on social media with a specific hashtag - this could be part of a competition where they have the chance of winning something in return.

4- Ensure your product is safe and secure when shipping

Shipping products isn’t as easy as it sounds, and one of the most challenging aspects of order fulfilment for your company will be ensuring your product lands on your customer’s door safely.

Damaged and broken products will end up getting returned by the customer, wasting your company’s time and money, and ruining what you’ve worked hard to create - a loyal customer base and profits.

Custom packaging will help you ensure you choose the right-size box to keep your product secure, while also cutting down on any inner packaging you’ll need for extra protection (such as bubble wrap or brown paper).

Read our blog, titled ‘Help Prevent Shipping Damage With These Tips for eCommerce Shippers’, for more information on keeping your products safe while they are out for delivery.

Want to learn more about improving your eCommerce company’s shipping processes, or have any questions about how Freightcom’s innovative and user-friendly technology solution can improve your shipping, whether you are shipping to Canada, the US or worldwide? Contact our team of experts today, we would be more than happy to answer any questions you have.